Friday, December 15, 2006

Javapolis 2006

I'm on my way back from Javapolis 2006, unfortunately missing the third day of the conference. One of the innovations this year was a bank of ten whiteboards where people brainstormed about the future of the Java language and platform. I had a camera with me but I realized too late that I should have taken snapshots of the contents of all those boards before I left. I hope someone else will. The only snapshots I took were the vote tallies that I discuss below.

There were three issues discussed on those boards that I'd like to share with you.


The first board contained a discussion of closures, including an informal vote of people "in favor of" and "against" adding support for closures. I gave a talk about closures yesterday afternoon, which explained the goals and design criteria, showed how they fit quite smoothly into the existing language and APIs, and more importantly explained in detail why anonymous instance creation expressions do not solve the problems closures were designed to solve. Before my talk about closures, the vote was about 55% in favor and 45% against. After my talk the vote was 71% in favor and 29% against. I don't think any "against" votes were added to the tally after my talk. There was also a BOF (Birds-Of-a-Feather) session in the evening discussing closures. Of the 20 or so attendees none admitted being against adding closures. I'm sure the fact that the BOF was scheduled opposite a free showing of Casino Royale didn't help, but I had hoped to hear from opponents more about their concerns. We discussed a number of issues and concerns, most of which had been discussed on my blog at one time or another.

One issue that I discussed with a few individuals earlier and then at the BOF was the idea of adding a statement whose purpose is to yield a result from the surrounding closure, which you could use instead of or in addition to providing a result as the last expression in the closure. It turns out that adding this feature make closures no longer suitable for expressing control abstractions. In other words, adding this feature to the language would make closures less useful! This is a very counterintuitive result. I first understood the issue by analyzing the construct using Tennent's Correspondence Principle, but it is much easier for most people to understand when the result is presented as specific examples that fail to work as expected. For now I'll leave this as an exercise to the reader, but I'll probably write more about it later. Incidentally, I believe the folks who designed Groovy got closures wrong for exactly this reason.

There was a video made of my talk that will be posted to the Javapolis website. Ted Neward also interviewed me on video, and Bill Venners interviewed me on audio. As soon as these are available on the web I'll blog pointers to them.

Native XML Support

Mark Reinhold gave a talk on adding native (i.e. language-level) support for XML into Java. Though they were not presented as such, some people prefer to think of the proposal as separable into a language extension part and an API part. The proposed APIs appear to be an improvement over the existing alternatives. However, the language extension for writing XML literals appears to be only marginally more convenient than the XML construction techniques provided by libraries in JDOM. I personally would like to see the new APIs pursued but XML creation provided in the JDOM way. Mark took a vote by show of hands on how people felt about the two issues, but I couldn't see the tally. There was also an informal tally about adding native XML support on one of the whiteboards. The result was 29% in favor and 71% against.

Constructor Invocation for Generics

Another much-discussed issue appeared on one of the whiteboards: the verbosity of creating instances of generic types. This is typical:

Map<Pair<String,Integer>,Node> map = new HashMap<Pair<String,Integer>,Node>();

The problem here is that the type parameters have to be repeated twice. One common "workaround" to this problem is to always create your generic objects using static factories, but the language should not force you to do that. A number of different syntax forms have been suggested for fixing this:

var map = new HashMap<Pair<String,Integer>,Node>();

This unfortuately requires the addition of a new keyword. Another:

final map = new HashMap<Pair<String,Integer>,Node>();

This reuses an existing keyword, but at the same time it also makes the variable final. Another variation on this idea:

map := new HashMap<Pair<String,Integer>,Node>();

In my opinion these three forms all suffer the same flaw: they place the type parameters in the wrong place. Since the variable is to be used later in the program, the programmer presumably wants control over its type and the reader wants the type to be clear from the variable declaration. In this case you probably want the variable to be a Map and not a HashMap. An idea that addresses my concern is:

Map<Pair<String,Integer>,Node> map = new HashMap();

Unfortunately, this is currently legal syntax that creates a raw HashMap. I don't know if it is possible to change the meaning of this construct without breaking backward compatibility. Another possibility:

Map<Pair<String,Integer>,Node> map = new HashMap<>();

You can see clearly by the presence of the empty angle brackets that the type parameters have been omitted where the compiler is asked to infer them. Of the alternatives, this is my favorite. I don't think it will be too hard to implement in javac using the same techniques that work for static factories of generic types.


Anonymous said...

Map<Pair<String,Integer>,Node> map = new HashMap<>();

I think you haven't taken into consideration the looks of this construct ... which is the ugliest of all the other alternatives. Special signs should not be abused this way.

And, of all the alternatives, I find this one the most readable:

var map = new HashMapMap<Pair<String,Integer>,Node>();

If someone wants a Map, it can always be explicitly declared.

Also, I really hope you find a nice and clear syntax for closures, because the proposals I saw look horrible.

Anonymous said...

The whiteboards have been published in the
JavaPolis website

Your talk on closures was great! Now it all makes sense, thanks.

swankjesse said...

Doesn't Java's convenient erasure mechanism cause these two statements to be identical?
Map<A,B> = new HashMap();
Map<A,B> = new HashMap<A,B>();

Is type-aliasing feasable for the Java language? That could clean up a lot of the verbosity caused by generics.

Anonymous said...

Hey Neal, the final content of the white boards can be found @

Thanks again for presenting at JavaPolis :)


Unknown said...

If you are going to create a Map with new, 98% of the time it is going to be a HashMap. It therefore makes sense to me that Map should nominate a default implementation class (or overloaded set of static methods). So we don't need the information as to which type to construct in the client code.

Map<Pair<String,Integer>,Node> map = new();

Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou said...

because closure are a widely misused term you shouldn't say Groovy designers got them wrong. Not without an example of what you mean. Then we can discuss about what exactly is wrong. Oh, and I hope you don't think in terms of implementation here.

Thom said...

I can't go into details but I feel like the features being added to Java are "tacked on" and don't really fit well. Even generics bring along their own set of issues.

Closures support looked ugly and crippled, and native XML support is ugly period. I think Groovy builders got it right.

I'd like to see Java stay simple, and support for higher level language features be provided by another language, be it JRuby or Groovy.

If it still compiles to Java classes (Groovy does this and JRuby will) there will be no concern about interoperability. And those who are 'concerned' about performance can write the logic-complex portions in the dynamic language, and the rest in Java.

If you find yourself needing those language features everywhere... Well then maybe the Java hammer isn't the answer and the JVM should focus on support for high- level dynamic languages.

My 2c. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Possibility to write Map<Pair<String,Integer>,Node> map = new HashMap<>(); would be a nice syntax sugar. Although most verbose it is also the best of all possibilities mentioned. Introducing a new keyword for sugar only is IMO out of question and this proposal looks exactly like what it is: slightly sweetened version of an already existing language construct.

Peter Hull said...

Why can't you get rid of the new, since there isn't the "allocate on the stack vs allocate on the heap" issue that C++ has? What I mean is:
X x = new X(y, z);
X x(y, z);
So the case you cite would become:
Map<Pair<String,Integer>,Node> map();

It should still be possible to write
X x; // An uninitialised X
X x = another; // Assign from another instance
exactly as is done now.

Unknown said...

Florida> That is already valid syntax:

interface Example {
    Map<Pair<String,Integer>,Node> map();

Anonymous said...

my vote is for
Map<...> map = new HashMap()

Firstly, it keeps the distinction between interface (Map) and implementation (HashMap).

Secondly, when you're omitting type parameters from a method call, you don't have to write <> either; and as you say, the analogy between a constructor call and a static method call is so strong that both would be implemented "in javac using the same techniques". Analogy in syntax should follow.

Thirdly, it is a compatible extension: If the new object is used only as the initializer of a declaration, then (apart from compiler warnings) there is no difference between a "raw" HashMap and a correctly typed one. The byte code is the same either way.

Anonymous said...

Neal, i've patched javac to create a prototype that allow ':=' or final syntax to declare a local variable without its type.

It is available on my blog

I don't get your point about using
a Map instead a HashMap for a local variable (which is not visible elsewhere).


Eugene Kuleshov said...

The least verbose would be to use Map<Pair<String, Integer>, Node> map := new HashMap();

However it will only work for assignments. But what about inferring type info inside expressions?

Stephen Colebourne said...

I'm sure that you won't be surprised to hear that I like

Map<Pair<String,Integer>,Node> map = new HashMap<>();

for the shortened instance creation ;-) I'm going to try and write up the white boards more fully soon.

Anonymous said...

@Rémi: Concise typing can make things easier for a reader - like a comment that's checked by the compiler. When you declare a "Map" variable, then you document that the following code will not rely on any specifics of HashMap, TreeMap,...

If you change your mind about the kind of Map you want to use later on, you can be sure you'll only have to change the initializer.

By the way, type inference should also work for method arguments! Semantically, passing an argument to a parameter is almost the same as initializing a variable.

Unknown said...

@Axel, i don't like that idea.
Suppose that i write a code like this:

List<String> list =
new ArrayList<String>();
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)

if i change the first line to:
List<String> list =
new LinkedList<String>()

the complexity of my algorithm is
now quadratic, so knowing the implementation is important.

Note that if i wrote :
list := new ArrayList<String>();
i have only one line to change
if i want to change the implementation.


Anonymous said...

Another vote for:

Map<Pair<String,Integer>,Node> map = new HashMap<>();

* Doesn't close the door on reified generics where someday in the future 'new HashMap()' and 'new HashMap<>()' may not be equivalent statements at runtime anymore.

* No new keywords or operators

* Has the type parameters on the declaration, which is where they belong for consistency. It's the most Java-like.

* As axel notes, I can declare the variable as Map, which means it can become TreeMap or WeakHashMap (or any of the concurrent maps) by simply changing one line - yes, it may be a local variable, but it doesn't mean I'm not going to return it from the method! (besides, who said I can't use this syntax on instance variables?)

Brian Slesinsky said...

The argument against the "var" syntax for type inference seems rather weak. The reason I'd like to leave out the type for the local variable is because I *don't* want to figure out the type. Local variables have such limited scope that I'm content to let the compiler figure it out, even if it means that the variable's type is HashMap where I would have written Map. If it were important to declare the type for some particularly confusing code then I can already do so by writing out the type explictly.

Anonymous said...

@lordpixel: The "reified generics" argument for empty angle brackets is not very strong - the problem would have to be solved for static methods anyway.

@brian: that goes in the direction of either a scripting language (no need for a safety net if you're not going to jump) or a mind-bending functional language (making the code as dense as possible so you can jump higher). It's actually a feature of Java that it's so plain and obvious, most of the time. I'd rather mix languages than mix up Java.

I haven't heard any reason yet against turning raw types into inferred types, wherever possible - the compiler could still warn (as currently for a raw type) if it cannot determine a sensible typing.

Yardena said...

Following lordpixel's idea - how about Map<Pair<String,Integer>,Node> map = new HashMap<...>() or <*>
And the parser would replace ... or * with the last generic type? Or maybe
Map<T = <Pair<String,Integer>,Node>> map = new HashMap<T>()

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